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tv   ABC 7 News at Noon  ABC  July 31, 2012 12:00pm-12:30pm EDT

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t to overseamps companies. [ romney ] i'm mitt romney and i approve this message. >> live and in hd, this is abc 7 breaking news. >> we start with breaking news of a tragedy in calvert county, md.. police are on the scene of what is believed to be a triple
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murder suicide. among the dead, 04-year-old child. hurt in this? >> yes, a 12-year-old boy. apparently he suffered back injuries to his neck. we have a 32-year-old man and his 31-year-old wife. both of them are deceased. a child described as 84-year- old, and now i am learning it was actually two-years old -- this is just off of route 5 in dunkirk. we have video. it began at about 9:00 a.m. according to neighbors this morning. police swarmed the neighborhood. they realize that they had a
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barricade on their hands. the police brought in the swat team and basically surrounded the house. we understand at some point in this drama that lasted an hour and a half, the armored vehicle approached the front door of the home. the neighbor tells us that he heard what he describes as crackling sounds. he believes it may have been gunfire. officers charged into the home. they found the mother and father and the 2-year-old boy seized. they did find the 12-year-old boy. not everyone has been informed within the family, so names are being withheld. neighbors say their work financial problems in this home. the home was in the early stages
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of foreclosure. we will have more details later. back to you. >> thanks. also come up mistakes -- also, mistakes being blamed for the evacuation in norway. someone spotted a suspicious package under her car. it turns out the package was a fake explosive device that was supposed to be used for an internal drill at the embassy. the morning commute took a big hit today when a tractor-trailer overturned. here is the interloper. this started around 8:30 this morning. amazingly, there were only minor injuries. 3 lins still shut down at noon time. -- three lanes still shut down at noon time. more problems for commuters. this time on the bay bridge.
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look the car caught on fire right on the bridge. the southbound lane is still closed and that is causing plenty of backups on the bay bridge. human fatigue and an unsafe operator being blamed for that deadly bus crash last year in virginia. the crash killed four people. dozens more were hurt. the bus overturned on its way to new york. the bus driver, who admits to falling asleep, faces four counts of involuntary manslaughter. you probably slept right through it. it was a 2.4 magnitude earthquake this morning. this was in louisa county. that is the same area where last year's 5.8 magnitude earthquake struck. to date we might not make it out of the 80's. -- today we might not make it
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out of the 80's. that is not a bad thing. >> we have a little bit of cloud cover outside mixed with sunshine. that will probably keep us in the mid to upper 80's. here is a live look outside. we have one or two showers, especially in southern maryland. your travel forecast today -- mid to upper 80's locally around our area. later on today, kansas city will be at one of two. of oklahoma city 1 07. -bill at 96. -- national at 96. >> adam, thank you. the coalition of african- american pastors have started a nationwide campaign to urge people to stop supporting
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president obama. it is the latest shot fired in a showdown over marriage. lots of passion on display this morning? >> they say that they have taken these votes for granted. this is a group of black clergymen gathered in d.c. to announce a nationwide campaign against president obama due to his stance on same-sex marriage. the group is reacting to his statement saying he would support same-sex marriage. he says -- the group says that this threatens the family's. this comes after tension after remarks made by the ceo of chik- fil-a. one reverend told us that christians are being attacked today similarly to the way
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blacks were attacked after segregation. >> i voted for the president. but he got off course. marriage is not between a man and a man or a woman at the woman. >> their goal is to complete a 100,000-signature petition to vote against the president in november. reporting live, abc7 news. >> another topic on the hill today. the house is expected to vote on legislation that would make get illegal to get an abortion in the district after the 20th week of pregnancy.
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the bill's sponsor, the republican congressman says the bill protect life. research shows that the fetus can feel pain as early as 20 weeks. arizona will have a ban on abortions after the 20th week on wednesday. a federal judge ruled the rule is it constitutional. of big change on the way for women's health care in america. kathleen sebelius -- new health care legislation goes into effect tomorrow. >> starting tomorrow, all insurance policies will be required to cover vital services women need to stay healthy. and they will have to service this care without charging women anything out of pocket. >> the new law guarantees women will receive preventive care.
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on the campaign trail, the romney campaign says they will announce the running mate with a new smartphone app. it will require you to connect to facebook or have a mymitt account. of course, abc7 will bring you the news, no sign up required. in poland, there was an issue with one of the president's press aides. >>
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>> it continued on after that. yesterday, mitt romney was accused of being racist after describing the economic disparity between palestinians and israelis. the president does not have any public events planned today, but that does not mean he is not busy. he plans to travel to ohio before going to georgia. for more information tune in at 5:00. coming up -- the damage from hurricane katrina. but all this damage is man-made. and the response to the june 29 storm. it is a report that one lawmaker described as "rosie." and ♪ ♪ i've never felt this way
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before, but it's a scary time to be a woman. mitt romney is just so out of touch. [ female announcer ] mitt romney opposes requiring insurance coverage for contraception. anand romney supports overturning roe versus wade. romney backea
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bill that outlaws all abortion, even in cases of rape and incest. there's so much we need to do. we need to attack our problems -- not a woman's choice. [ obama ] i'm barack obama and i approve this message.
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>> after years of turning away donations, the capital area food bank is starting a new chapter. the new warehouse facility opens for the first time today, and abc7 is there. >> this is delicious. >> simply blown away by the new capital area food bank. the local charity helps families in need. >> thousands of hungry families everyday. i am looking into these faces every day. >> this means there is more food
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to go or ground. they have doubled their space and have a brand-new kitchen for cooking class is. >> you can roll up in your van or your truck or your car. you do not have to rush out to get to your car. it is awesome. >> one of the most important features of this brand-new facility is the brand new refrigerator and food warehouse. this is where some 60 million pounds of food will be distributed over time. >> it has been a long time, getting this together. is very uplifting. -- it is very uplifting. seeing everyone happy, seeing the food go where it is really needed. >> officials say the bill was necessary. in the past two years, calls to
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the emergency underline have gone up 200%. >> it is heartbreaking. but this is what we are here for. we are here to provide the food for the people who needed. >> abc7 names. >> 7 is on your side this noon with an update on thousands of marines and their families in north carolina. after a fight that lasted for years, the house is expected to vote on legislation affecting marines and their families stationed during 1977 and 1987. during that time, the drinking water was contaminated. the senate has already passed the legislation. the f-22 has been on limited duty for months while the air
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force looked for answers to a problem. leon panetta said he was satisfied that the problem had been fixed. a developing story out of india were massive power outages have left more than half of the country in the dark. that is the world's largest ever blackout. hundreds of trains stalled. with no working traffic lights, you can imagine the traffic jams. no word on what caused the outages, but some say that they may have been using more power than they were supposed to. that is more than twice the population of the u.s. without power. the storm that knocked out power for 200,000 pepco customers -- a study showed that pepco responded aggressively and moved more quickly than other
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utilities. it did take more than a week for power to come on for everyone. the company did admit to glitches and bad estimates for when the lights would come back on. and maryland delegate said "i suppose that is to be expected when you ask the company to break itself. this is like asking your child how he did in school before a bad report card hits your mailbox." no news for the air conditioner today? >> it will not be all they constantly and all night long. a little bit of a breather. high temperatures in the 80- degree range again. 89. 84 to 88. >> not at. >> i love this time. let's put the live camera into motion. let's look at sunrise. early this morning -- we have to develop -- we have this
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developed. we also of a few thunderstorms on the radar screens. there are a few of these downpours -- east of 3 01. south of 235. that is where we have areas of heavy rain. this is not going anywhere. we do not have much wind in the upper levels of our atmosphere. so, when these pop-up it is just rain and rain and rain. this is basically the potomac river. i do see a little bit of development around upper marlborough -- marlboro. off to the west, heading
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through garrett county, parts of virginia. we see a little more development all across the region. just like this. isolated but development through the afternoon. and overnight, too, while we are sleeping, there is still a real chance. the energy that caused that is going to be drifting to the south and heading into our washington area late tonight and in the morning. this could develop through the night as well. 84 in the district. 82 in martinsburg. 82 n. frederick -- 86 and frederick. for the remainder of today, we have showers and storms chances along the west of the blue ridge. here is your timeline.
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we dropped to 80 at 9:00 p.m. and by 11:00 p.m., 77 degrees. that is when the showers first start. you'll notice a warming trend over the next couple of days. that notice is temperatures climbing back towards 95. we will be in the mid-90's by the end of the week. we will have almost daily storm chances as well. it is that time of the year. you expect that. we are not expecting anything severe. >> alright. this is a live picture of connecticut avenue in chevy chase. traffic is moving slowly because there is a serious accident there. be right rain is shut down now. we're told one person is killed. -- the right lane is shut down now. avoid that area if you can. apparently, there have been traffic issues for awhile there.
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you can see one of the police officers from the emirate county is they're trying to work on the investigation. we will have more details later. if not, that will be up at 5:00. take a look at this jail after a massive
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>> take a look at this mess. this is what was left behind after a prison riot in mississippi. us what team was called in to put the right it down -- a swat team was called in to put the
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right it down. take a look at this. >> it was destructive and that was what they did. >> a 25-year-old inmate is accused of starting the bryant. his -- starting be right at. his family says he was attacked by a detention officer. -- a 25-year-old inmate is accused of starting the riot. >> penn state athletes return for pre-season work out. the rally put together by a local radio show. this is following the sex abuse scandal. they have cut
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[ crows cawing ] [ male announcer ] strange things happen in the black forest. [ metallic bell toll ] [ car speeding down the road lightning strikes ] where things aren't always what they seem. [ wolves howling ] because thrills hide in the shadows just waiting at every turn. [ coaster whoosh ] brave the black forest on verbolten. the all-new multi-launch coaster. only at busch gardens.
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[ male announcer ] where did all thel obama stimulus money go? friends, donors campaign supporters special inrest groups where did the obama stimus money go? solyndra: 500 million taxpayer dollars. bankrupt sowhere did the obama stimulus money go? windmls from china. electric cars from finland 79% of the 2.1 billion in stimulus grants awarded through it went to overseas companies. [ romney ] i'm mitt romney
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and i approve this message. >> all right. what are we looking at? >> typical day tomorrow. i think we will be back in the 93-area for the next couple of days. some showers chances tonight to tomorrow. and on through the day tomorrow. there will be a few downpours, a little lightning and thunder. >> alright. of couple quick update. the bay bridge is open once again. and we will have details on the triple murder suicide over the next
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four months you have a choice to make. not just between two political parties, or even two people. it's
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a choice between two very different plans for our country. governor romney's plan would cut taxes for the folks at the very top. roll back regulations on big banks. and he says that if weo, our economy will grow and everyone will benefit. but you knowknhat? we tried that top down approach. it's what caused the mess in the first place. i believe the only way to create an economy built to last is to strengen the middle class. asking the wealthy to pay a little more so we can pay down our debt in a balanced way. so that we can afford to invest in education manufacturing, and home-grown american energy for good middle class jobs. sometimes politics can seem very small. but the choice you face, it couldn't be bigger. ♪ ♪ i'm barack obama and i approve this message.


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